Everyday people are injured and do not seek the help of an attorney. That’s right, I said help. I could have just as easily used the words: guidance, advice, support, counsel, representation, knowledge, or experience. A good lawyer can provide all of these things and more.
Of course, not every accident requires an attorney – some injuries are so small that a lawyer’s expenses would be larger than any potential settlement or verdict.
However, there are many cases where emergency room and doctor bills, lost wages, pain & suffering, and the loss of a normal life can really add up. Without the help of a lawyer, someone may never know where, when, and how to recover for all the loss associated with the injury.
In most cases, it is worth the time spent meeting with an attorney. This can prevent missing out on any compensation that you deserve or worse missing a deadline.
Most personal injury law firms will offer a free consultation. This will allow you to sit down with an actual attorney or at least speak to them over the phone and explain your particular situation. Because no two cases are the same, it is a good idea to take this time to get all the facts out and even share any paperwork or documents that you may have. If you have a police report, incident report, doctor or hospital bills, or discharge papers, these can be helpful to an attorney.
Some people worry about how they will pay for a lawyer. Most personal injury attorneys will take a case on a contingency fee. This means that they only get paid if you collect and the fee is usually a percentage of the settlement or verdict.
So it is always up to you whether you want to hire an attorney, but you might be missing out compensation that you deserve, the case evaluation meeting is usually free, and most injury lawyers only collect if you do.